Italian Bishops Want to Overturn Summorum Pontificum


prince0357 ,EvaPrayhardTesa , G.K.Chesterton , JTLiuzza , Edwie 


Monday, November 19, 2018 - 23:30
Article link: 




prince0357Nov 16


The next conclave will be in the catacombs. Read "Father Elijah".



EvaNov 16
The Italian bishops did NOT change the Eucharistic prayer from "for all" to "for many" in the Missal.


PrayhardNov 16
Italy has some appalling bishops, some of the worst, often homos. Witness all the Cramner tables put up in ancient Roman churches during Francis the faggot's time.

Also they are wrong. An eminent body of Cardinals reviewed the matter for years, and nothing Paul issued suppressed the Mass of Ages. The boomer Mass will die away. Something made up by a committee in the '60s cannot compare to something barely changed since 550AD. The two year, heavily edited lectionary us one notably appalling part of it. GIRM considered too much mention of sin 'pastorally difficult.'

@Eva same with the German bishops.


TesaNov 16
Prayers for the Italian bishops who are suffering grievously from their impatience at Summorum Pontificum. I can't even imagine what they must be going through.


Tesalast Saturday

Burying Benedict
G.K.Chestertonlast Saturday
The old idea of liberality was that it was a good thing that all the creeds should dispute freely; the new idea of liberality is that there should be no creeds to Dispute.


JTLiuzzalast Saturday
I think it's laughable. These silly old queens have been trying to bury the real Mass for a half century. Hasn't quite worked out. Let them flail about in their desperate hissy fit, trying to preserve their sickening revolution which was doomed from the start. If they had one iota of faith, they would know have known that.


Edwielast Saturday
Doesn't matter a bit. Even if the man called Pope Francis made it illegal, there would still be - as there have always been - priests who say Mass using the only true Roman Rite. This false church can do whatever it wishes. Has no bearing on the life and actions of the true Church.
Sort of like Canterbury forbidding it. So what?








Own comment: 

It might not be exactly like Caterbury attempting to ban the Roman Rite, as Edwie writes, but I too tend to agree that any attempt to repeal Summorum Pontificum would basically fail. What Pope Benedict XVI wrote there was that what has been held venerable CANNOT all of a sudden be considered bad or harmful, so NOChurch sodomites would have to find a way to reconcile that.

Furthermore, even if they simply ignored the blatant contradiction as they have done so many times, I reckon that a few Novus Ordites who prefer the Tridentine Mass would disappear, but that after a while the numbers of Tridentine Rite attendees would begin to rise. This is because it has become clear to anyone who is a genuine traditionalist that the Novus Ordo Missae is rubbish, and that the NOChurch which made it up has no moral authority to speak on matters Catholic, and certainly not when we can lean back on Sacred Tradition.