It Is Completely Unethical To Accuse The SSPX of Being Pederasts When No ONE Has Been Indicted!


Aqua  , AMalekTancred ,  Anonymous  , Constantine             

Monday, April 27, 2020 - 09:00
Article link: 


Aqua said...

As the first comment, anonymous 1:53, implies - this fight is not really about the alleged sex crimes as much as it is about the “Latin and the Lace”, (only Novus Ordo Catholics refer to Liturgy from Sacred Tradition as “Latin and Lace”). This fight is truly about whether we will be a Novus Church (new) disconnected from Sacred Tradition ... or .... a Catholic Church sourced in Sacred Tradition.

Sex crime allegations are not infrequently used against Traditionalists (aka Catholics) . They took down the Franciscan Friars with them. They took down Cardinal Pell with them. Now this. So, why mention “Latin and Lace” in this context? Curious to me. It mirrors how Christine Niles framed her hit on SSPX, by strangely connecting the “two threads of Liturgy with sex crimes”.

The real goal is not just the Holy Order of SSPX takedown. They (Novus Ordo Church) aim to take down Sacred Tradition and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the TLM, with it. Summorum Pontificum is under review, as the new Novus Ordo Amazon Liturgy is concurrently being formulated for future imposition. What alone stands in the way of universal Amazon Clown Masses? The SSPX who do not recognize Novus Ordo Liturgy as valid according to Sacred Tradition. And they’re right to do so. The Hierarchy KNOWS they’re right.

As soon as I skimmed Niles’ hit piece, that connection jumped out at me: Liturgy (Latin and Lace) with sex crimes. Not just sex crimes, but sex crimes CAUSED BY systemic hiding behind the feared and ever-efficacious Latin Liturgy (Latin and Lace). That connection alone - unsupported, utterly unsupported - of Liturgy to systemic pederasty, for an obvious practical purpose, renders the CM hit piece totally invalid, scurrilous, dangerous.


April 25, 2020 at 4:01 PM 


AMalek said...

Someone should sue CM for slander, and while they’re at it look into Voris’ lies about his past...


April 25, 2020 at 4:27 PM 


Tancred said...

@AQUA There were mere suggestions in the Italian press here and there of abuse by Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, but there were never any published accusations or indictments. Eventually, Volpe got sued in criminal court for slandering Father Manneli before God finally called him home to face his particular judgement.


April 25, 2020 at 5:16 PM 


Aqua said...

I see eight out of the thirteen rules created by Saul Alinsky for his radicals, in this hit job against the SSPX Order.

4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
6: "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
7: "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
8: “Keep the pressure on."
9: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
10: "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

This just has the smell of Saul Alinsky in it.

My personal observation is that (in general, not as a rule) these radicals also apply their own sins against their enemies. Whatever they are guilty of the most is projected onto those they wish to destroy.

As I have said, I do not doubt individual sinners, criminals perhaps, have been part of the SSPX Order over time. The CM article simmers in that sauce.

I reject without careful, cautious, respectful, thorough investigation the connection of the Order itself as a *systemic criminal enterprise*, hiding behind their orthodoxy and Liturgy to further their depraved purposes. That charge is insane. And that is precisely the conclusion of CM’s hit. Not the individual crimes, but the systemic criminal rot within SSPX itself.

To take the SSPX Order down, that must be established. And that is what they attempt with this scurrilous Alinskyite hit.


April 25, 2020 at 5:54 PM 


Anonymous said...

Calling the SSPX Protestant is a 1993 meme.

I didn't realize the Pope was in the habit of giving Protestants jurisdiction to hear Confessions.

Are you questioning Francis?

Now who's the Protestant?

It matters that Voris is a poof because the disposition, as well as the self-identification and adulation of the moral defect lends itself to these kinds of panics in the gay disco...


April 25, 2020 at 7:12 PM 


Aqua said...

Another thing Alinskyites like to do is throw out charges that make no sense and force their opponent to spend all their time in defense against insanity.

Hang the most ludicrous, outrageous charge you can think of around their neck and then make them prove it isn’t so: “SSPX = Protestant”.

Catholic = Sacred Tradition, including all Creeds, Dogma and Magisterial documents that are all in concord with each other.

SSPX, by definition of their Apostolate, is that - Catholic. And they do, for the sake of salvation of souls do care about sin, and everything else that separates the Flock from God and salvation.

Mission Statement: “The main goal of the Society of Saint Pius X is to preserve the Catholic Faith in its fullness and purity, to teach its truths, and to diffuse its virtues, especially through the Roman Catholic priesthood. Authentic spiritual life, the sacraments, and the traditional liturgy are its primary means of bringing this life of grace to souls.“ (

As far away from Protestant as you can possibly be in this Novus Ordo New World Order Church.

SSPX = Catholic


April 25, 2020 at 7:38 PM 


Constantine said...

There us a strategy that most (leftist) journalists and (usually leftist) politicians do, and that is use the strategy of "exceptionalism". What the strategy entails is to find exceptions to the general norm, in order to justify overturning the estabished norm or institution. Here are some examples: most men are good husbands, but some are horrible. The horrible male oppresses women, therefore we should fight to forbid men to make descisions in the house and give that right to the woman. Another example: some "innumerable" parents abuse their children, therefore, we should give the children to protective services at the first sign of a child feeling "uncomfortable" with the parents behaviour.
Here we face the same thing: generalizations of what could and should have happened to justify destroying the whole Sspx. There is no discussion of circumstances or criteria of abuse. Are there cases of yelling or spanking? Or was it sexual? Certainly thete is sin everywhere, and the Church is hospital for sinners.It attracts sinners and accompanies the sinner unto remorse, and repentance. The SSPX is doing the job, and surrounded itself with struggling sinners, as the Catholic Church should do, but my question for Voris and Christine: have they devoted their life surrounding themselves with struggling sinners? Is not CM disobeying the words of the Holy Spirit when the Pope spoke of Phariseeic behaviour? They talk, but do not dirty their hands to lower themselves to the sinner. Not to lower oneself to the level if his. Sin, but to his social or economic or psychological problem that blocks the sinner from admitting his guilt, becoming remorseful, and then asking God with the priest next to him, to return to his Father's house. This the SSPX does, but CM does not. Better CM stay out of criticising a business they have no experience in. Sometimes the work of working with sinners fails, and the same sinners then turn against the institution that tried to help them. Sometimes the sinners are sincere, sometimes not. Accusations are thrown around, and journalistic, legal and political scavengers intervene. If we were to discern what words of the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis was trying to depart, in their correct meaning, would not, more accurately, mean that all these scavengers not in search for Truth in the world, but make a name for themseves, are they not all the True Pharisees of today?


April 26, 2020 at 7:29 AM 


Tancred said...

Here’s another one: CMTV engages in muck racking journalism and lies about its targets, therefore, Catholic Citizen Journalism should be somehow be given government and church oversight.


April 26, 2020 at 8:15 AM 





Own comment: 

For reasons unknown Voris and have always had a very aggressive hostility towards the SSPX. This latest hit-piece, calling people "SSPX abuse victims" and what not, is far below the belt even for them.

It is not only with the SSPX where they have sensationalised sexual abuse allegations, but this whole affair with the SSPX exposes them as not a particularly serious organisation, or at the very least not a fair one, if there was doubt about that.