The Inverted Papacy

Monday, August 14, 2017 - 22:30
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I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Bergoglio is a sodomite and have heard from southamerican friends that he is, but I am sure he is a communist who hates the Church, Christianism and anything that incarnates order and decency. He keeps goading Europe to receive more muslim barbarians accusing us of being mean hearted and unchristian yet he says nothing about the human catastrophe that is happen in Venezuela, a friend of mine who works for the belgian ambassy was there last week and told us terrible things: famine, crime, rapes in broad daylight… and he told me that Venezuelan catholics are furious with Bergoglio because he is a good friend of Mr. Maduro… Bergoglio always sides with evil.



Agreed. We are in the end stages of being able to say anything about him at all, he is that horrible. At this point, there is almost nothing left to say. One hates to be dismal, but, watching your culture, world, and church go into a death spiral does not inspire one to positivity.
He and his friends are diabolical, and they are enjoying every minute of this. Remember he enthusiastically said “It’s FUN to be pope!”.