If Words Could Kill: Catholic Apologetics Mafia Attacks Faithful Catholics


JBQ , AnonymousCathy, Laramie Hirsch



Saturday, April 28, 2018 - 22:45
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At the Transfiguration, Jesus the Christ interacted with Moses and Elijah in a glorified form. Peter and the brothers James and John were there to see it. This showed a link between the Old Testament and the New. John was prolific in his writings.---Ethnic Jews are quite different than those who actually accept the Old Testament. The Bolsheviks were ethnic Jews who lead to the deaths of some 60 million Christians. Just as false Jews killed the Christ, even today they would kill Him again and have obviously infiltrated this modern version of the Church.

What part of "if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins " do these crackpots not get? Our Blessed Lord addressed that statement to the Jews.





  1. Firstly, being against the Judaic cult is not anti-Semitism. The religio-political movement of Jews is a concept, an idea, not an ethnicity. Secondly, not all Semites--descendants of Shem--are Jews. Finally, is it not true that a great portion of today's Jews are Ashkenazi Jews? The latest studies have been showing that 55% of Ashkenazi blood is Italian.







Own comment: 

Truth be told, in many ways EWTN is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

It is not surprising that a truthful Catholic priest ended up in trouble with EWTN and the hierarchy of the Church in the U.S. on account of stating simple facts, which just happen to be against the mass indifferentism engendered by NOChurch.