He Knew Too Much: Why Giani Was Kicked Out

Monday, October 21, 2019 - 23:45
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17 okt.


I wonder if he realised that the defence of the dishonourable lacks any honour and is not worthy of any decent man's time. If he knew too much before his voluntary resignation, the fact of the matter is that he still knows that much after. Resignation does not wipe the memory.


Susi 47

18 okt.


He knew about their buisness bet worldwide
Like who owes someone money
Like who did threat someone
Like who did work on it to get kardinall oell into jail
Like who is having their money in the washer..
Like who has a dead body in their cellar
Like other nasty things
He had to go
Cause he became a seroius threat to the people's black buisness their-
And i do never ever again donate money for any organisation like caritas
Ir whatver organisation there is

I feel sorry for pope b15-
And we will see how the orophecies come true



One would think that such an informed individual would be held close, not given free range. Despite the presumed gag order and the pay off one can hope he will not remain tongue-tied. Surely he has a retirement to fund. 


Maybe retirement fund, not likely an unknown island though. Vigano seems to be doing well. Maybe he can escape to. Or end up like Card. Pell.
Own comment: 

It is likely that the former Vatican police chief knows too much and that powerful forces indeed want him out. However, let us not go around scraping for heroes: Nobdoy is coming to rescue the situation.

If he knows of any corruption then I hope he will speak up - if not for the good of the Church then at least for his own financial and physical well-being.