Get to Know Truth-Teller Tom Woods

Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 00:30
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Unknown said...

I read the book by Tom Woods. I never realized the positive impact the One True Church had on western society. It gave me a newfound love of being Catholic.


December 12, 2020 at 2:57 PM 


Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

I agree. It's amazing. I was particularly intrigued by the fact that several dozen craters on the moon are named after Jesuit astronomers.


December 13, 2020 at 9:29 PM 



Own comment: 

Indeed, the series !how the Catholic Church built Western Civilisation" ought to be seen by anyone interested in scraping the topic of how the Church has helped shape the world.

You will now find Tom Woods making the case for libetarianism on his Tom Woods show. I do not know if he is still Catholic - I assume he is - much less traditional Catholic - which I also presume he is - but his thought son the problems of government involvement are certainly worthy of reflection.

Although a Catholic cannot obviously embrace libertarianism as the end-goal of any political movement, in the here and now, in pratical matters, it is the best way forward towards a Christian society.

The article focuses more on the Covid-19 lies, and indeed Tom Woods has done much good work on that front.