Friday, February 9, 2018 - 21:45
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Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

Where is the pope? Probably cheering from the sidelines.

Karl J said...

The Catholic Church is simply a Pagan Brothel run by the Pimp Bergoglio.

Stephen Lowe said...

How did the church fathers miss this: "there are things that can not be regulated"? Who knew?

Kathleen1031 said...

They slither in, these evil men who hate God and hate Catholicism, they slither, and he says there can be no rules about such blessings but there will be. The rule will be that you must bless homosexual unions, and if you don't, you will be "against the pope". That is because this is all what the pope wants, and what these homosexual men want, and you must sign on to homosexuality, and soon and very soon, pederasty condoned. Think not? Think again. We never thought we'd be here.
I have a 96 year old friend, the most Catholic person I know, who peered at me with her one good eye and, knowing something is going wrong, inquired, "is this a good pope?" and I had to tell her no, in my opinion, no. I hope she never realizes our church has been entirely taken over by sodomites.


Dan said...

The German Catholic Church is already Lutheran. The Francis doesn't micro-manage such issues in the Church, he is too busy snuffing out orthodoxy.


geoff kiernan said...

So....Now that those with same sex attraction and who act on those impulses can have their behavior 'blessed' by the Church. Does it follow ( if not, why not?) that those who are sexually attracted to Children ( Pedophilia ) and also act upon their impulses can also have their behavior 'blessed'by the Church?

Wolverine said...

There really is no reason to worry...our faithful conservative German Pope Benedict elevated his fellow countryman Marx to the cardinalate in a consistory on 20 November 2010. I'm pretty sure Benedict has a much better understanding of the philosophical/theological presuppositions and moral qualities that motivate Cardinal Marx than any of us bloggers/commentators do.

Anonymous said...

Where is the pope?
He's behind the curtain, like the Wizard of Oz, operating all the controls.

Ana Milan said...

Blessing SSM will have no effect as God doesn't Bless Sin. It will reverberate on the priest & the couple as both will be committing sacrilege. If ++Marx doesn't accept that this is so, then he should rightfully be removed from his position & sent to a monastery for the rest of his life. He is putting the souls of his priests & homosexual couples in mortal danger. Such couples should be counselled, not left permanently to wallow in the sin of Sodomy.

Sandpiper said...

Why don’t you tell her. What are you protecting her from? The Church could use her prayers. Quit treating her like a child.



Own comment: 

It is no surprise that one of Bergoglio's closest advisors is a sodomy-pusher; so is Bergoglio.

Perverted birds of stinking feathers stick together.