Francis Slaps Religious Sister's Hand



Jungerheld ,  Eva , HerzMariae , Tesa , Entos      

Monday, January 6, 2020 - 17:00
Article link: 



sabato scorso


When I first saw it, I thought it was a joke...a GIF joke. He seems to have his hand lifted in a sort of intentional pretend blessing. If he wants nothing between him and the people and doesn't want the possibility of people touching him, he needs to move over a couple of feet: his problem solved.



sabato scorso


@Jungerheld. Full video is here. At 7.30



sabato scorso


Add the slap to the videos of him refusing to allow people to kiss his ring, it seems that he doesn’t like to be touched & needs to control who, when & how.



sabato scorso


Bizarre. There is something very wrong about Francis.



sabato scorso


The man to his left in the red tie raised the sister's hand up, and Francis slapped it. In the most recent incident where Francis was grabbed and pulled, the woman to the left of the grabber with the teal phone guided Francis' hand to the grabber's. Both of these incidents appear to be staged in some way. A form of street theater, involving handlers.


Own comment: 

There is little to be added to Tesa's comment on Bergoglio's slapping hands antics:

Bizarre. There is something very wrong about Francis.

If only his penchant for slapping the hands of seemingly-pious peoople was Bergoglio's greatest fault or his most bizarre attribute. Alas, it is his most benign.