Francis Expands the Fake Magisterium

Sunday, September 17, 2017 - 23:45
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"De facto" means "in effect" not de jure, which means legally, juridically or, in common parlance, literally. In other words, Francis is the Pope, but the way he is acting he may as well be an anti-Pope because, to quote one mainstream commentator, his pontificate is "a threat to the integrity of the Faith." He demonstrates with dramatic clarity the strict limits of papal infallibility, which he has trampled upon in favor of his own opinions.

It is a monumental waste of time to make unprovable and juridically worthless claims that Pope X is an "impostor." It is an axiom of Church law, rooted in the very nature of the papacy, that no one on earth may judge the Roman Pontiff in the sense of passing sentence upon him and declaring his seat vacant. This exercise adds nothing to our situation but endless, pointless debate over a hypothesis.

Nor does it help to say "my conscience tells me he is not Pope." What of it? That conviction has no weight for the Church universal.

What is indisputable, however, is that Francis is saying and doing things that are gravely harmful to the Church. That, no one can reasonably deny.


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    In the last days, Scripture warns that men will call good evil and evil good. That is what Pope Francis does. Our Lady warned us that the Great Apostasy in these times would start at the top of the Church. Pope Francis is an apostate pope, I guess. He's in heresy anyway and who knows what else. Divine help from Heaven will have to come now. How can we stop him.

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    He is an apostate. He is going to cause a great Schism in
    the Church that has been prophecised by many Saints regarding the End Times.




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    His Holiness is sure getting the most out of "Papal Infallibility".

    Papal Infallibility is something I, as a Catholic, recognize, but problems arise when facts contradict claims.

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      You just need to take the time to understand the teaching. Francis hasn't invoked the charism a single time, just like every other of the post-conciliar pontiffs.



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    Shortlyafter the New Catechism came out, I recall watching Mother Angelica, she held a copy in her hands, and with a heavy sigh, eyes turned towards the heaven, she proclaimed that should there come time when truth would no longer be preached, we need not despair, because we have the catechism, a gift from the Almighty.…one shall need nothing else to survive. I am convinced her words were prophetic and these are such times.

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      So very true. Michael Voris over at Church Militant made a great comment a while back, that we, in this age of Apostasy, have the great blessing of 2000 years of Church teaching to turn to for the truth of the faith. That anyone who is led astray in this day, does so willing. After all, anyone who spends 30 minutes googling the catechism of the Church could find out pretty quickly 90% of what Pope Francis has said is out of touch with the teachings of the Church.

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      I agree almost completely...I would only note that there are a large number of "Catholics" out there who have been so poorly taught that their near-total ignorance of the truths of the Faith is probably not wholly their fault. I encounter a surprising (to me) number of people in my parish-level catechetical activity who sincerely want to be "good Catholics" but are clueless about so many things, it boggles the mind. Many don't even know that the CCC exists, much less the Baltimore Catechism or the Catechism of Trent. I could tell stories...

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      That's very true. I can attest to that. I grew up in Southern Mississippi, in the heart of the 'Bible belt', if you can really call it that. A Catholic amidst a sea of Baptist was not a fun place to be. But, the Catholic education I received as a child only seemed determined to make sure I lost my faith as an adult. It was only by the grace of God that I found my way back.



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    "The Chair of Peter is occupied by a man who appears to have been validly elected to the papacy..."

    I noticed, Counselor Ferrera, you used the word "appears." That is a nice, covert way of saying...Mmm? More and more ecclesiastical subject matter experts- including Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, TX, now publicly say that the College of Cardinals violated Universi Dominici Gregis making Bergoglio's election invalid. Additionally, Bishop Gracida also says on his blog website that Benedict's resignation is also invalid in that public facts now point to coercion by the St. Gallen Mafia group of prelates- among other things. Bishop Gracida says that Benedict is most likely still the real pope. What say you?

    Of course, the proper ecclesiastical authorities in the Church must make the formal, public correction of Francis- and very soon. The Dubia Cardinals now stand at just two. The clock is ticking.

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      Dear Al,

      I edited my last line in my post.

      I turn a blind eye to this man, Francis. And I am pretty angry right about now at the lack of courage in a few prelates who run around doing POntifical Masses and silently talking to the choir!!

      This pope must be confronted, rebuked! To think he has sanctioned, in his own warped mind " same sex unions."

      I am beyond sickened. I am enraged!
      Just wanted to add this, so that you did not think I did not understand where you are coming from. I DO! God bless you.

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    With all due respect to Bishop Emeritus Gracida, I think his vocal opposition should be to build up of the faith, and renounce actions and statements by Francis that are in direct opposition to the faith. That is what all the bishops "should be doing", as their duty to defend the faith.

    As far as Pope Benedict XVl and validity of his resignation, etc.....what good fruit will be born of it? Pope Benedict has spoken and that is that.
    It is hard to keep one's eye fixed on the present moment, and recognize the great loss of Catholic leadership in this pope and the grave threat to the Church. Who chose him?
    Not the Holy Spirit! But....he was chosen by many cardinals, 2/3, I believe.
    And so, we must take our lumps now and hold fast to the faith.
    Some day perhaps, there will be a very good, good pope, whose enemies will do the same thing to him, as many well intended Catholics are doing now. So for the sake of future generations and future popes.........we just have to carry on.

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      Bishop Gracida is building up the Faith. Cut him a little slack- he is now 93 years old! At least he is doing his job as a faithful son of Holy Mother Church! In fact, he is the ONLY bishop (albeit retired) who is actually speaking out as a Successor to the Apostles. He is doing more than 99% of our illustrious cardinals or his brother bishops for that matter.



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    Jorge Bergoglio is either insane, suffering from a unique form of dementia, so hopelessly naive that he could praise Leon Trotsky and Jim Jones as Christ-like lovers of the poor, or plain old evil. Only God knows for sure.

    Whichever it is, those who elected him are either evil or hopelessly naive and stupid. They all need to be removed. They are doing Satan's work. Just as did Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Cranmer, Fox.

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      I understand that the suckers, sorry, sorry, cardinals who elected Francis did it partly on the strength of his promise to reform the Curia. Maybe that needed doing. I understand that the various consulting firms called in to spearhead the reform have cost $170 million so far. Anyone want to dispute the $170M or evaluate the results?
      Er, no, I don't think that total doctrinal chaos was among his election promises.

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      I cannot believe that the cardinals did not check out what sort of reform Francis intended. In fact, it is clear that the St Gallan Mafia - that cabal of cardinals who pushed him forward - selected him as the best wrecking ball to demolish the last bastions of orthodoxy, including the Curia. Francis' intentions have never been entirely secret - just look up what old blabbermouth had to say in the months after his election as Pope.

      "I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security"



i'm not quite ready to say the font of error has become the font of evil, but i'm getting closer to saying it with every passing day of the latest bergoglio nonsense.


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    "The Chair of Peter is occupied by a man who appears to have been validly elected to the papacy, is universally recognized as a successor of Peter....."

    I don't believe you can validly elect someone when the "predecessor" invalidly resigned, like say, in substantial error. To say that Bergoglio is universally recognized is false. Barnhardt said it first, but others are saying it now too. History will show Bergoglio was never pope, and that Ratzinger is the pontiff. Let those who have ears to hear....

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      You see if we could all get over this contentious bickering over who's got the right label for Francis and who's got it wrong, perhaps we could begin to actually make progress in exerting some pressure on those in authority to do the right thing. I'm sorry, sir, but this strikes me as a counterproductive comment. "Let those who have ears to hear" -- hear YOU? This is a massive crisis regardless of what name you attach to Francis. We're dealing with the cold hard reality of the worst crisis in papal history, and to pretend as if we have it all figured out or that if we call him "anti-pope" the problem goes away---really doesn't help anyone. And as long as we spend this precious time trying to take credit for who said what first and when and how smart we are, we are only going to be part of the problem not the solution. Please, let us move on from this. You can go off with your club and call him Antipope Francis if you like, I don't care. But please don't try to undermine the efforts of those of us who are going to try to thwart this man's evil agenda at every step of the way, whether history proves him an antipope or not. When Benedict himself denounced your theory, it's pretty hard to blame people for not seeing it exactly as you do. Let's deal with the disaster of Francis, let's get down on our knees and beg, but let's not waste time picking off fellow Catholics (including even many neo-Catholics who are just now waking up) who don't quite see it as we do.


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    ----What is actually happening is that people hear others say: ‘They can’t receive communion,’ ‘They can’t do it:’There lies the temptation of the Church. But ‘no,’ ‘no,’ ‘no!’ This type of prohibition is the same we find with Jesus and the Pharisees….” ----

    Well, there we have it - Jesus is now included by name as just another 'no, no, no,' person.

    I don't for one minute read this as Jesus speaking 'about' the Pharisees. I think it's a slip up which reveals what he really wants to say.

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      I was thinking that as well. Made my flesh crawl.
      And notice he never calls our Lord "Christ," its Jesus, just a guy.



I guess he's a priest for our times! And look how messed up they are! He should get a Liberius Prize or something. We desperately need another St. Athanasius and he's giving us Luther!!!



One must flee from the rants of the heretical apostate Bergoglio and his enablers for the sake of their immortal souls. An antichrist reigns in Rome. Of that, there can no longer be any doubt as everything traditionally Catholic is trashed at the whim of this madman whose warped idea of the Magisterium is the incoherent rambling that pours forth from his mouth that is an excercise in violations of The Fundmental Principle of Non-contradiction in the extreme, i.e., "Something cannot 'be' and 'not be' at the same time in the same respect" with the moral relativism of the devil historically condemned by Catholic moral teaching being the only result! Nothing more needs to be said. Catholics in more than name only must go to the modern catacombs as islands of orthodoxy in a raging sea of heterodoxy that is welcomed the devil and his minions in Rome. For my part, my family and I have found that refuge where the Tridentine Mass is celebrated having congregations led by priests who care about going to Heaven instead of hell!


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    For practical purposes, as someone we can look to for spiritual and moral direction, we have no Pope. As the leader of the Catholic Church he is clearly a wolf consuming the beliefs held by the Church since the beginning. He is a clear and present danger to us, to the world at large and to himself. He is the very personification of a corrupted Catholicism---a tool of the devil.

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      Exactly right Michael! "For practical purposes"......I have given the 'argument' over to the Lord in prayer....DAILY. I always tell him: " Lord, you are the only one that knows what exactly is going on here with this 'Pope'. We, your faithful sheep, have NO IDEA about this. The only thing I know, is that we cannot follow most of what he says. Please send the Holy Spirit and open him up to His inspirations and grace in order to lead your Church in the direction it should go. In other words, I pray for his CONVERSION to the Catholic faith! And I pray for all of us to remain faithful to your true Church, and to defend Her, if necessary even unto death!" ...Amen!! That's my daily prayer for the 'Pope'.

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    "For practical purposes", well said. This is what Mr. Ferrara means by a "de facto kind of anti-pope" in his piece. Making the big dramatic declarations about THE false prophet or an actual "anti-pope" may feel good, and it may or may not be true, but in the meantime it absolutely leaves the good guys at odds with each other, trying to settle on a label, when they should be at odds with the Vatican opposing this evil agenda at every step of the way, regardless of how history comes down on the technical status of the debacle that is Pope Francis. I truly believe that it makes the Vatican's day when a portion of the Catholic counterrevolution denounces Francis in terms that can't be proven and thus alienate the millions who seem to be waking up and may soon be ready to overtly oppose the current pontificate. We build a much larger coalition of opposition to Francis by constantly making it clear how, when and where his words stand in contradiction to infallible Church teaching. There is no debate there, no conspiracy theorizing-- just cold hard facts that, like it or not, they MUST deal with.


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    This pope has become for me a Near occasion of sin all by himself and I have been deeply tempted by the sedevecantist thesis. I have resisted this in the end because I cannot believe the Lord would abandon his Church in this way. I prefer to think about this as the culmination of the devil's period of ascendency. That wicked generation born in the wake of the Second World War who have visited so much destruction on our faith. In my generation, the only Catholics who attend mass are what Pope Francis would call rigorists. Anyone of the younger generation of his mindset these days is busy marching up and down city thoroughfares half naked with rainbows painted on their faces. That's why these people laud him whilst renouncing faith in Our Lord. Right now I refuse to surrender my Church to these people. The fact that this man has been prevented from invoking his magisterial authority in an heretical manner is in itself testament to the divinity of the Brode of Christ which, whilst temporally in the clutches of the evil one at this time, is none the less destined to be presented to Him without blemish. No, I will stay in the poisoned waters and I will strengthen my brethren against these wolves in sheep's clothing.

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      Prophesy itself says Rome will become the seat of the anti-Christ.

      Christ has not abandoned his Church. This website and others, as well as the true, traditional congregations throughout the world are testament to that. But when you look for the Catholic Church in Bergoglio, it would be wise to remember the words of the angel to the women coming to annoint Christ; He is not here.

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      "Prophesy itself says Rome will become the seat of the anti-Christ."

      I've read these prophecies before, but I keep wondering how they don't completely contradict the teaching that Rome is indefectible and can never err. Can anyone explain?


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    One does not know how future theologians will process the Bergoglian pontificate and its relation to the authentic nature of the papacy, but we can be grateful for one thing.
    He has unambiguously revealed his perspective and his nature.
    We in the present and those in the future know the face of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
    There will be no hiding behind one façade or another.
    He is exactly what he is.
    God help us.

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      Not sure how many "future" theologians" will be able to live on the planet after the wrath of God Almighty fries it to a crisp. God help us is all I can think of saying as well




First time I can recall having a Lutheran Pope . . .



Here's the really scary thought; two thirds of the College of Cardinals gave this guy the "thumbs up". Most of us had little to no idea what Bergoglio was all about prior to March, 2013 but the Cardinals must have known who he was and what he was about. Bergoglio is who he is but the utter fools who cast their votes for him need to be rounded up and flogged mercilessly. It is they who are the real miscreants here. They are enablers and accessories to this aggravated assault on Catholicism. Yeah, Bergoglio is a crook but before he robbed the bank, he was provided with a gun and ammunition by the cardinals who are now providing him with a getaway car. To think that two thirds of the world's cardinals believe this guy is the real deal just boggles the mind.

We are in such deep do-do!!

Oh, and by the way, Francis.....Our Lady told the children at Fatima that more people go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason! So much for "minor sins", you finger-wagging clown.


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    Legalisms aside, I have a question against which one might measure the authority of this pope. If he came out tomorrow and said that you, Chris, are excommunicated, or that the Remnant editor and its readers were excommunicated, what would your reaction be? I am a member of an SSPX parish. If Bergoglio said tomorrow that anyone affiliated with SSPX is excommunicated, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. That would not have been my reaction had Pope Benedict said the same thing. If he can't seem to say anything right about dogma, I really don't think there's much chance he could say anything with authority regarding faithful Catholics, those who actually follow the Church as established by Our Lord. You can call him "de facto anti-pope." I just prefer to save some verbiage.

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      I would probably go to an SSPX church if it were possible , but I live in a Small town in Australia and there is no SSPX for 500 miles.. There is not even a Latin mass foe 200 miles and then only two Sundays a month.

      We have suffered at the hands of the modernist destroyers just as you have in the States eg Novus Ordo only , high altars and communion rails ripped out and the tabernacles shunted to the side , abysmal catechesis in supposedly Catholic schools , appallingly low vocations to the priesthood. etc etc.

      Our church has been white anted for fifty years and now we have this poor excuse for a pope telling us that the changes since V2 have not been radical enough

      .It is literally making me sick to my stomach.

      What can we do ? Where can we go?

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    We get into deep weeds here. If the SSPX position is recognizing him as a valid pope, but you don't recognize the excommunications he issues, are you really recognizing his authority? Do you really view him as the authority of the Catholic Church?

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      The SSPX do regard him as the valid Pope, but clearly have never recognised acts that are unlawful, such as the excommunications of the bishops following the consecrations in 1988 - which have since been rescinded. He retains Papal authority, but only needs to be obeyed in so far as his authority is exercised in the service of the faith.

      One needs to distinguish the position and the current holder of that position. The same is true of all authority really - it comes from God, and is only lawful in so far as it obeys God's laws. We are entitled to disobey an un-lawful command. Naturally, we need to do so very carefully, as we rely more upon our own (hopefully well informed) conscience.

      Bergoglio's excesses and clear departure from anything resembling Tradition render disobedience a clear duty!


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    It seems to me that Chris Ferrara nails as to what the problems are with this papacy, when he reveals that Bergoglio went to a psychiatrist, a jew, and a woman to boot, some 40 years ago. This shows that he had maladjustments with his ministry and his vocation, or that he was confused with his communist thinking and the tenets of the Church. This of course was a big error, because psychiatrists as a rule are atheists, and their treatment generally tries to dissipate whatever feelings of guilt that a person may have about his conduct past or present, and consequently are pemissive of every action on the part of the patient.
    It occurs to me that being liberated from his conscience permitted him to apply this approach to his ministry and to the Catholic Church at large, so we should not be surprised with every kind of heresy or blasphemy that this pontiff proffers, including our Lord Jesus. May God have pity on his soul.



A prattler, straining for profundity, but attaining only an occasional low-level sophistry. Who can listen to the man. His utterances would only be annoying if it weren't for damage they do to souls and to the Church that Jesus established to help his flock obtain salvation.
I pray for this man, and for all the cardinals, bishops, priests, and religious, but I fear that the resolution to all this will be a taste of the wrath of God.



"As readers are no doubt wondering: What is a Catholic to do in the face of the endless raving of this man, who admits in the same interview that in his forties he underwent psychoanalysis “with a Jewish psychoanalyst. For months I went to her house once a week to clear up some things”?"

Is it just me or does this quote suggests that the Pope believes that, the fact that his psychoanalyst was/is Jewish constitutes not only an opportunity to virtue signal, but one effective enough to throw it out there as a clarification in an interview meant to be published as a book?

I know we live in a world where religious tolerance is one of the secular state's version of the ten commandments but I just can't imagine someone feeling good about himself simply on account of being a Jew's patient/customer. When I read that, I imagined someone bragging in front of an audience with lines like "You know, no-one really philosophizes like my Yazidi butcher" or "You really can't get mailman as a good as my Zoroastrian mailman".

Does this seem highly condescending and somewhat of non sequitur to anyone else?


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    “The most minor sins are the sins of the flesh"....hey, here's a get out of jail free card for all the paedo clergy!! Not that you would ever accuse a clergyman of being self serving. After all, they should be primarily concerned with mercy. And as Pope Francis has been so merciful to paedo priests...well, why shouldn't he be merciful if raping children is the most minor sin?

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      Our Lady of Fatima told the child seers that it was sins of the flesh that take the vast majority of souls to Hell. I'll take her word over this bozo's any day.



The pope's job description is the most important but also the shortest of any on earth: Feed My lambs, feed My sheep.

Ever since he ascended to the Throne of Peter, Francis has almost invariably spent his time and energies ignoring, perverting and basically making a mockery of the God-given duties and responsibilities of the papacy. With the publication of this book, he is in effect burning that divine job description before our eyes. And yet there are still so few, *so few* who can discern this or are even interested in tentatively investigating the current crisis. The miasma of diabolical disorientation weighs heavily.


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    Where to begin with this dog's breakfast of sloppy and nauseous ideas? Clearly, PF must have been one of the poorer students in his seminary.

    How, for example, does one miss that sins of the flesh are among the most serious signs of rebellion against God? Sins of the flesh directly oppose the First Commandment; and it's impossible to overemphasize the importance of the First Commandment to the Christian faith: every sin devolves from self-idolatry.

    In a sense, this pope is a gift from God---an exhortation for us to gather ever closer to Him; He is separating the wheat from the chaff. Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to strive to be a better Christian than I am.

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      Check out E Michael Jones' recent video about Pope Francis on Youtube. Michael recently visited Argentina and spoke to numerous people. He certainly pins a lot of the blame for PF's chaotic thinking on his catastrophic training in the Jesuits; de Chardin, evolution and other disastrous currents in 1960s Jesuit thinking obviously addled his brain to the point where PF makes preposterous statements to the effect that you cannot argue anyone into belief.
      Michael vigorously refutes such defeatist nonsense and points out that only a person with a total lack of trust in the intellect and sound philosophy could talk like PF. How can you preach any firm settled morality when you believe that everything is subject to evolutionary change? Once you abandon trust in right reason, you can influence others only by demagoguery and emotive declarations.
      The video is about an hour long, but well worth your time.



Anti-pope, Anti-Christ.! What ever he is it is clear we have a terrible problem with him. Most Conciliar Catholics I know, think he is the best thing since sliced bread. They love the modern Church.They love the participating community Mass, where Father, facing the people is friendly and welcoming; as opposed to the old Mass where everybody just looks at a theatrical drama without participating, in a language they do not understand. (sigh) The fact that this was said to me today by an 85 year old women was not missed on me. They love ecumenism, where everybody can understand and worship God in their own way, after all we are all different. Pope Bergoglio fits their thinking like a glove on a hand. After 50 years of conciliar brainwashing they are putty in his hands. They love his merciful teachings, being just like Jesus was. When I gently challenge their views and postulate official Church teaching, they are either embarrassingly silent or argue that the Church should have married priests or something else like that. I believe they think me a trouble maker, a dissident who, let's face it attends the schismatic Pius X Society and is stuck in his old ways. To be honest other than constant prayer and sacrifices I do not have an answer to this horror. Mr Ferrara is correct when he states “but rather, according to our station, expose it and condemn it at every turn as soldiers of Christ and members of the Church militant”. But then it so often falls upon deaf ears.

I agree sedevacantis position is irrelevant. Pope Francis is the visible head of the Church on earth. This fact is what makes this sorry saga so terribly tragic.

Our Lady of Fatama intercede for us.



If I were our so-called Holy Father & I had to hold a light bulb inside a light socket & wait forever for the slow & stupid world around me to screw it in , I would go to a Jewish shrink too, believe me. I would also bring my own couch to accommodate my gigantic EGO. I would lie down on it, make myself at home & start from the beginning: " In the beginning, I created the Heavens and the Earth..."


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    I have a question for everybody on this chat site. How can this man be the pope if he is not Catholic?

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      "Not Catholic" is not the same as "not orthodox." Only formal heresy--the obstinate doubt or denial of an article of divine and Catholic faith--cuts one off from the Church. Francis cannot be convicted of an obstinate doubt or denial of an article of faith, because no one is in a position to test his doubt or denial without his cooperation.

      Note also that St. Pius X did not declare simply that the Modernists were "not Catholic." That Francis is a Modernist hardly seems debatable, however.

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      How much more obstinate does Bergoglio need to be? He can deny dogma after dogma and it's "insufficient." Yet, Catholics must accept this for some reason. Why?

      "Francis cannot be convicted of an obstinate doubt or denial of an article of faith, because no one is in a position to test his doubt or denial without his cooperation."

      Totally false. The entire point of the Magisterium is to give the faithful the Truth so that ALL can use it to measure. See Council of Trent. Plus, your position leads to absurd conclusions. A person claiming to be Pope, under your analysis can openly, repeatedly, and consciously deny any truth of the Faith and he is immune unless he "cooperates." Makes no sense. But you have to say it because otherwise you run into Vatican I's explicit teaching that a valid Pope is judged by none. Yet, it begs the question: why would such a person EVER agree to "cooperate"? Because it makes no sense, maybe that should provide an indication that your position is erroneous. The issue is solved by Divine Law, not Canon Law.

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    I'm a little confused on this point...If a Modernist is called on his error/heresy and refuses to recant (i.e. obstinate), he is a formal heretic and therefore no longer Catholic, e.g. Martin Luther. Wasn't Pius X simply referring to those who had adopted a modernist idea and hadn't yet been corrected on it?

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    I guess we have to wait for a future Pope to define pertinacious heresy?

    In the meantime, it sure appears to me that the only thing Pope Francis lacks in becoming a "formal" heretic is a tuxedo.


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    I don't know why it bothers me so but... I just watched a video of the Pope in Colombia and he was walking through the crowd. The people were holding their babies out to him, as people have done for forever to each Pope, hoping that the Holy Father would bless their children & make the Sign of the Cross on their babies. I watch Pope Francis touch several babies and not ONE cross did he make. Not one! He touched the babies on the head or patted them... but I didn't see him bless one or mark a Cross on their body or forehead. Does an evil force inside him prevent him from doing this? That's the first thing that crossed my mind. I pray I am wrong. Perhaps blessing a baby or making the Sign of the Cross on his head is too "rigid" of a thing to do. Beautiful Mother Mary, pray for us.

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      And furthermore, you must have a cast iron stomach. I wouldn't have been able to watch any footage of the occasion.

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    Very telling indeed.

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    I, too, notice little things about Pope Francis. From the very beginning, there have been little signs, strange lapses of taste and always the incoherent babble that almost means something but never quite does - exorcists note this is a distinctively diabolical trait.


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    You have me confused. You write that Francis is a Modernist, that fact is hardly debatable. Pius X condemned Modernism as the synthesis of all heresies. If Francis is a manifest and obstinate Modernist then he is a manifest and obstinate heretic and therefore is outside the Church. Could you clarify this apparent contradiction?

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      Saint Pius X is very specific in his encyclicals that the modernists he is targeting are at the heart and bosom of the church. His entire pontificate in fact is dealing with modernists inside the church. He never once so much as intimates that they are outside the church. And, in fact, the problem is precisely that they are not.

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      How can you honestly read Pascendi to mean that St. Pius X "never once so much as intimates that [Modernists] are outside the Church?"

      He is clearly teaching that the main problem is that these absolute heretics are feigning membership in the Church even in high places. That's the issue. He isn't saying they are PART of the Church, he is saying they are ENEMIES of the Church, but disguised. Just read the document. It's an open, public lashing of these heretics and a call for vigilance against them.

      How are you interpreting 'member of the Church' from this? (St. Pius X, Pascendi, 1907)

      "Nor indeed will he err in accounting [Modernists] the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church. For as We have said, they put their designs for her ruin into operation not from without but from within; hence, the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church, whose injury is the more certain, the more intimate is their knowledge.


      Once indeed We had hopes of recalling them to a better sense, and to this end we first of all showed them kindness as Our children, then we treated them with severity, and at last We have had recourse, though with great reluctance, to public reproof. But you know, Venerable Brethren, how fruitless has been Our action. They bowed their head for a moment, but it was soon uplifted more arrogantly than ever. If it were a matter which concerned them alone, We might perhaps have overlooked it: but the security of the Catholic name is at stake. Wherefore, as to maintain it longer would be a crime, We must now break silence, in order to expose before the whole Church in their true colours those men who have assumed this bad disguise."

      Clearly, Pope St. Pius X is writing to expose their "bad disguise." He isn't saying they are members. Hence, this is why he goes so far as to call the Modernist approach the synthesis of all heresy.

      "We have had to give this exposition a somewhat didactic form and not to shrink from employing certain uncouth terms in use among the Modernists. And now, can anybody who takes a survey of the whole system be surprised that We should define it as the synthesis of all heresies? Were one to attempt the task of collecting together all the errors that have been broached against the faith and to concentrate the sap and substance of them all into one, he could not better succeed than the Modernists have done. Nay, they have done more than this, for, as we have already intimated, their system means the destruction not of the Catholic religion alone but of all religion."

      If I'm missing something, please advise because I am at a loss in trying to understand how you arrived at your understanding of Pope St. Pius X's writings.

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      Your quotations make my point. He was dealing with men in the Church who were hiding their modernism. But the fact that they were in the Church and not outside of her walls is precisely why he opposed them as he did. He's talking about bishops, priests and seminary rectors, and yet never does he proclaim them excommunicated or tell the world they'd lost their office through heresy, which would have been his duty if it were true. Instead, he attacks their errors with all the ferocity he could. If he could have announced that they were not in the Church I think this would have made him very happy and he would have done so immediately.






Own comment: 

So many comments, and so many insightful ones, and so many from people who have been hurt, could be found in the comments' section of this piece.

The Remnant's  readership cannot by any account be called mainstream Catholic, although I think we could call it mainstream traditionalist Catholic because it would seem as though all stripes of traditionalists frequent the website.

The issue of whether Bergoglio is the true pope or not was surprisingly subdued, in that most people dare not dread there. Even Christopher Ferrara warns about treading those waters. It is not an issue which interestes me personally because wheter Bergoglio is an authentic pope or not, he must be resisted, and in the words of Fr. Albert at the Fatima Center, "we can't be sure he's not!"

The best summary of the conversations in the comments' box would be the comment made by :

The pope's job description is the most important but also the shortest of any on earth: Feed My lambs, feed My sheep.

Ever since he ascended to the Throne of Peter, Francis has almost invariably spent his time and energies ignoring, perverting and basically making a mockery of the God-given duties and responsibilities of the papacy. With the publication of this book, he is in effect burning that divine job description before our eyes. And yet there are still so few, *so few* who can discern this or are even interested in tentatively investigating the current crisis. The miasma of diabolical disorientation weighs heavily.