Francis' Effect in Argentina: Catholics Are the New Protestants


O Maoleoin , Jim Dorchak , iwirawan ,  aderito      

Saturday, December 7, 2019 - 23:45
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O Maoleoin

30 nov


These men will have a lot to answer for.


Jim Dorchak

30 nov


At one time Argentina was for all intensive purposes 100% Catholic. Now it is not even cATHOLIC. Unfortunately Chile is the same.... all of Latin America follows this same model. Who's at fault? The church. The cATHOLIC church.

1 dic


And yet, the last conclave elected someone from Latin America? It is clearly the power of the enemy at work.



30 nov


The bishops and cardinals live like kings instead they should be like simple sheppards (like Jesus disciples, live a simple life not in luxury )and take care of the sheep teaching them the Faith and Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ .



30 nov


The Jesuit Liberation Theologians did to parts of South American what the Chinese are doing to the Uighurs.







Own comment: 

To be fair, NOChurch Catholics have been the new protestas going on 50 years now, if not since the very beginning of Vatican II.

That Argentica seems to have apostasised entirely cannot be blamed on Bergoglio, although there is little doubt he has played his part very well.