Deflections, Or: The Bishop, The Trads, And The Saintly Switchboard Operator.


 Michael Dowd, Kate R., Mundabor , Paul Jackson 

Saturday, May 23, 2020 - 20:30
Article link: 


  1. Nowadays, that the truth itself is considered rude by so many it has become a truism.



If you don’t wish to discuss the topic at hand, an emotional deflection works nicely. Make it all about something else. We’re so easy. I don’t know this bishop at all, but my radar goes up whenever we see a man willing to become a public spectacle by demonstrating his relative power against an opponent. He wants the last word. (Reminds one of Bergoglio) Simmering anger about something can often be perceived. Bishops should not be known for public pissing matches on social media.
Not one Catholic should follow those insane “directions” for Holy Communion. Not one.
It is time we stopped playing this game. Don’t go up for Holy Communion. Stay in your seats. Pray, contemplate, stare at the priest. But don’t go up. We don’t need to go up, spiritual communion is a real thing. Part of the problem is us. We think we go to the place and get the white thing or it’s not Holy Mass. We didn’t “get”, what we need, if we don’t go up. We need to re-orient our thinking. The Mass is the Holy Sacrifice even if we don’t go up. Many saints received the Blessed Eucharist only a few times a year. If we have one sin on our minds, not confessed, we shouldn’t go up.
Don’t play games like this with any bishop or priest. We do not have consecrated hands, even if we use Purell, the good stuff. We should not receive Our Lord into our un-consecrated hands.
We should not play the game of Hygienic Gymnastics that some clergy want us to play before they deign to let us gather and give us Holy Communion. Precautions are indicated, in my opinion, with Covid. Keeping a distance, and masks, and I get protocols for Holy Communion, but what he is proposing is insulting, over the top, and we ought not to play.
Personally I wouldn’t mind if only the priest received at this time, and we all made a spiritual communion. For the time being, what’s wrong with that.


I think what’s wrong with that is that you deny Communion to the faithful who want it; something, to my knowledge, not done even in the time of the plague narrated by Manzoni.
Let the priest wear a mask if he wants to. Take reasonable precautions. But give God what is of God.



Sometimes names reveal far more than they ought to!

For example a corrupt banker in my neck of the woods, jailed for fraud, surnamed Grede.

Crass crudity warning.

Rick Stika is one such name. One only has to use an alternative diminutive of Richard to get the point.

Whether directly applicable to him or not, he certainly appears to support such behaviour.


I cannot even tell you what “sti ca”, an abbreviation of a vulgar, coarse saying, means in Italian.. 





Own comment: 

It is typical of NOChurch bishops to hide behind their secretaries instead of manning up to the criticism which comes their way after making a terrible decision.

They are real drama queens these nancy boys and quite possibly the biggest argument in the case for NOChurch having completely divorced itself from authentic Catholicism or decency.