Dear White People…


Anonymous , One Mad Mom ,  Howard ,  Dontex , Bob , Teach Acceptance , JFJackson ,  f250nstetsonDonald Link

Friday, October 2, 2020 - 21:30
Article link: 




  1. As I get older (now 72) my eyesight and memory are failing. I try to believe, unless I have evidence that points me to doubt what I am being told.
    I will not rebel against Truth Himself because of disappointment here, but life is more difficult every day. I don’t see any result from your learning to embed videos. Everything you argue is very credible, but…. I wanted to listen for myself, but I see no link, and I see no picture or video for me to watch.


  1. Added a link to just for you. It’s a little slow to load for some and by email, I think it may not pop in at all.


“I try to believe, unless I have evidence that points me to doubt what I am being told.” I hope I am misunderstanding you; otherwise you are every con-man’s dream. As 1 John 4:1 says, “Dearly beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits if they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” That advice is not restricted to disembodied spirits.


I think her point was the video wasn’t working for her.



Truth – what is it? You make a valid point about some Catholic clergy not willing to tell the truth.

For a real-time example look at that bastion of Catholicity – the Archdiocese of Boston (satire in case you were wondering)! The Catholic chaplain at MIT was recently sacked by Cardinal O’Malley because Fr. Moloney had the nerve to state that the real cause of George Floyd’s death may not have been racism – all the facts are not yet in. Some of the elitist at MIT took offense so Fr. Moloney was thrown under the bus. That ought to give all the faithful priests in the Archdiocese of Boston comfort.



My uncle was killed in front of his wife and kids, targetted because of his white skin by a black man In Detroit. So it’s racist to say only white people are racist.



Bevelyn Beatty is definitely a woman who knows and is not afraid of the truth. Her truth is biblical. Christ is the truth. Truth is not a thing. Truth is a person. She’s right when she says that white people are afraid of offending blacks if they tell the truth. That is why there are so many different “truths” out there. They have to make up their own truth so as not to “offend” blacks leaving the real truth in the lurch. Leftists/Marxists change the meanings of words just to accommodate their narrative. In other words they lie. They offer opinion as truth when it is the farthest thing from the truth.

I hate the organization BLM. They are a living lie. If someone tells me I’m racist because of this, I don’t care because I know I’m not. What I am though is pro-life and anti-Marxist and BLM is a Marxist organization. I’m not taken in by BLM’s or leftists lies. Babies are dying. Black babies are dying and the leftist do not care because BLACK LIVES DO NOT MATTER TO BLM. Power and money does and the total destruction of this nation in order to build a new Marxist nation.

She is right when she says that blacks are not reproducing at the rate they are aborting. They are aborting themselves into annihilation and they don’t even know it. All the while we have all those “white” allies of the blacks thinking they’re woke by helping black women abort their beautiful babies. What are you going to do when the blacks are REALLY a minority? Oh, but look at all the women we saved. Really? So what did their babies do to deserve the death penalty? And what of the poor souls of the women who aborted their babies because the “white men and women” were so woke to help them kill their own babies with their support? As Bevelyn said, those who know the baby is human and still snuffs out its life may indeed see hell along with those so help them.

Blacks are in a self fulling prophecy of Margaret Sanger. She wanted to cull the undesirables in our society through sterilization, abortions and eugenics. Make no mistake. Negros were one of the undesirables. Her agenda goes on unhindered today as 79% of abortion mills are located in predominately black communities and her dream for the black man is coming true. A black mother who walks to the gallows of Planned Parenthood does not come out a liberated or free woman. She is now shackled by the grave sin of having taken the life of her own child.

You, white man and woman, who support this crap are not woke or supportive. You are living a lie and the sad thing is, you don’t even know it. It is no wonder why we are asked to pray for the conversion of the world and for the repentance of sin. Evil has so darkened our society that the deliberate taking of a child’s life is considered healthcare and not taking a knee for BLM is blasphemous.



I love these ladies and their message! But I’d like to answer Bevelyn’s question about why white conservatives don’t speak the truth. Just watch the news to see how the mob behaves. Speak the truth and you could get fired from your job, have your reputation ruined, be beaten, or killed. I know we shouldn’t be afraid of these things, but let’s face it, people are scared.


And that’s where the rubber meets the road or Christianity meets the Cross. It’s not fun.


Teach Acceptance


Unfortunately, Bevelyn is deluded. These are direct quotes. “The Bible says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world,” Beatty said. “And the Bible also says that when you follow the Lord, those that follow him and those that believe in him, will be able to cast out demons, will be able to trample on serpents, scorpions, all of these things, and it won’t affect us. So technically, if a person has corona, they can come to me and I can lay hands on them and we can get rid of that corona. That’s the authority that we have in Christ.”
“So it was not a concern for me to catch it, nor am I going to give it to anyone.”


Does the bible not say that? Of course, being a Catholic, I don’t believe we all recieve the same gifts and Bevelyn is not Catholic so I don’t expect her always agree theologically (I think I said that) and, as we know, the faith needed to do such things is not found in all of us. Christ said as much. That said, pertaining to the verses, perhaps you confuse earthly affliction and life on this earth with everlasting life. Regardless, her comments are much more Catholic than yours which is the point. You want to travel off on tangents, fine. Her sanity is far greater than those in the land of CHOP and she’s spot on about the Truth.


Teach Acceptance


OMM, I suggest you watch Ava DuVernay’s documentary, 13th. It might help you understand why it has been so difficult to black people to find the same kind of success you have. “Some of us are, indeed, much more privileged than others. You know why? Because we have the grace to embrace the teachings of Christ. We try our best to follow “The Golden Rule” and our lives are better for it. We try to be parents who put God, marriage, and children first, no matter the family life that’s gone before us. Are we perfect? No. That, however, is where our privilege comes from.” Really immerse yourself in the history and then tell me you, as a black person, would have done better than they have. Many black people embrace the teachings of Christ. Look at all the religious services that have occurred in recent weeks. Their black sons, husbands, uncles, were still killed by the police. White privilege is real and you clearly are benefitting from it. If you are wondering why so many black kids are raised by single moms, thereby destroying the country, you only have to look at incarceration rates of blacks for minor or non existent offenses. The same offenses that white men are not jailed for.

I’d also suggest your brush up on your history of Margaret Sanger before you accuse her of trying to decimate the black population.


Dear Mrs. Mom,

If you were to 'brush up on your history of Margaret Sanger', rather than wiki-ing, turning to original sources is probably the best. I'm sure you have it right, but here is an offering. To understand Margaret Sanger, one need only read what she produced and gave her imprimatur to as part of her various crusades; such as a published journal known as 'The Birth Control Review'. In that she invited those from various professional walks of life, religious leaders and others to contribute to her cause as expressed in these volumes. Here is a flavour of what you will find by her and those like her who were avid proponents of eugenics, including birth control, and other means as well as abortion. Read them for yourself, they are available in their entirety. I have included a letter written by a brave Catholic from Kentucky in 1917 and that the journal printed and purposefully scorned by giving it the title, 'The Immaculate Misconception'. I think this writer understood Sanger and her project all too well.

The Birth Control Review
Vol 1, March 1917 no 2, pg. 5

by A.L. Goldwater M.D.

‘…If there is no ideal method of birth control, then there ought to be. The eugenist, the sociologist, the hospital and charity worker, the penologist, the specialist in tuberculosis, epilepsy, bone deformities, heart and kidney diseases, not only has the right but the duty to demand, “Tell us, and at once, what we can do to prevent the multiplication of the imbecile, the epileptic, the consumptive, the host of mental, moral and physical defectives and perverts who are increasing more rapidly than the more normal members of the community.”…’

April-May 1917
No. 3
pg. 12

‘Birth Control and Eugenics’ by Paul Popenoe

‘…For race betterment, the present differential nature of the birth-rate must be changed. A spread of birth control to the less capable parts of the population will be an important advance for eugenics in cutting down the racial contribution of inferior stocks.’

From Louisville, Kentucky, Feb 13 1917

You will think differently about birth control, or the murder of innocent defenceless children when you stand before the judgement seat of God and are hurled into Hell. Marriage was instituted by God for the propagation of children and those who do not want children are privileged to remain unmarried or live as virgins.
You have but one life to live, which will decide your eternity in Heaven or Hell. Why not spend it doing good instead of evil?
On Judgment Day, those children you have murdered and have influenced others to murder will stand before you and, pointing their fingers of denunciation at you, demand of God to punish you.
From the instant of conception a soul is united to a body by Almighty God, which you will have to give an account of. Instead of rearing that child for heaven, you murder it.
Your money will have no influence with God.

A Catholic



Yes, let’s all brush up on the history of Margaret Sanger and her friends in the Eugenics movement. Eugenics is at its heart racist. She was a major proponent of the same racist ideology as the KKK and the Nazis.

I’m pretty white. I have Celtic, Viking, English, Welsh and Bavarian ancestors. I would NEVER be so arrogant as to tell anyone that I have more privilege than they do except the privilege to be of love and service to others. I am NOT better than anyone. I am NOT above anyone. I am not going to look down on other people and brag about how much privilege I have.

I was raised by a single mom. My dad was killed by Chinese Communists in Korea in 1950. We bounced around from house to house of relatives and I went to a different school every year until 7th Grade. I went to two different high schools and went to work as soon as I was out of high school while attending college part time. I’m not complaining! I learned a lot of lessons in that experience. I’ve served in several multi-ethnic parishes as a Priest, and taught in a multi-ethnic high school, Catholic Doctrine and Church History. I’ve worked alongside Priests from Africa, Latin America, India and Asia, as well as Irish and Caucasian American Priests. Race or ethnicity hasn’t been a problem, but a joy of learning for me.

The assumption that I am better than ANYONE is absolutely ridiculous! I will not accept it!!!
Fr. John Higgins



Having worked in a number of different environments, I had the good fortune of becoming friends and acquaintances with persons of all races and ethnic groups. A surprising number, a minority to be sure, would volunteer in casual conversation without being asked, that the pronouncement of some of these advocacy organizations and spokespersons was just so much nonsense. Like me, they were much more concerned with earning an living and providing for their families. They never glossed over problems but didn’t let that stop them from putting forth best efforts to succeed. I told my Asian wife about some of our conversations and she assured me that most people in her former country felt about the same way as they had to work too hard for such disorder and wondered why such was allowed here.

Own comment: 

This article was written in June, at the height of the George Floyd protest riots. One would have been forgiven for thinking that the riots would have died off by now, in October. Alas, there is no sign of them ending. I suspect they will end largely after election day if Trump loses, and somewhere after the presidential inauguration if Trump wins. Then mayble the whole BLM thing will die down until the next U.S. presidential elections.

The arguments against BLM will need to be repeated though and we cannot accept the notion that one has to be black to be opposed to an organisation which is funded largely by non-blacks and which has harmed mainly black Americans through its violence. The cannot be allowed to be the new anti-semitism or misogyny card. Lies must be confronted wherever they pop up, regardless of who is hiding behind them.