Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 23:15
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TLM said...

I, in my haphazard way, have already 'connected the dots'. I don't mind saying that in doing so it had literally made me sick to my stomach! My mind keeps going back to the memory of Padre Pio when he told Fr. Villa: (a priest that was under him that had been commissioned to fight freemasonry within the Church) "Take courage because freemasonry has already entered even unto the Papal slippers." Lord Jesus have MERCY on your faithful flock!!!

philipjohnson said...

Kissing the boy on the lips !God help this Bergoglio.


Left-footer said...

I put off becoming a Catholic for 30 years because the second Vatican Council made me afraid of future horrors, but this is beyond my wildest nightmares.

Cosmos said...


The Church has always taught--and the Bible is perfectly clear on this point--that the Lord sent his Holy Spirit so that we would no longer have to question authority. Those in power are his chosen. The sheep can't question the hired hands, even if they are being eaten by wolves. It must have been for the greater good!

Also, the law of charity require that we always assume non-polluters, non-bankers, and non-mafiosos have the best of intentions. The absolute best. They do not have normal human motivations and weaknesses. There should be no suspicion of men who seek out power and influence in the Church. They are not like other men who do the same. No. in fact, we are now learning that we can not even judge their actions!

Instead, just like the prophets, Paul, John the Baptist, the martyrs, Athanasius, Joan of Arc, and the other luminaries of the Faith, we are called to meekly go where we are led. That's what they did, if you look at it from the right angle and, more to the point, you are no St. Lawrence! Such delusions of grandeur. Aim much lower!

We should not believe gossip or unproven stories, unless they make our leaders into heroes--then charity requires us to believe and publish books immediately!

Finally, Vatican II boldly stated that we must step into the contemporary world, shedding those forms and modes of the middle ages that modern man can't understand and embracing what is best about our current age--except for total filial obedience of the serf to his Lord, we must keep that. So modern corporate, democratic forms, plus total filial obedience. It's the best of both worlds!

Hmmmmm.... Now that I've written this down, it sounds a little off. Maybe I need to rethink some of this.

Paul Hellyer said...

Philip. I looked closely and I don't think it's on the lips.


Arturo said...

My Faith is Perfect, the people in it are not.


Anil Wang said...

Left-footer said... "I put off becoming a Catholic for 30 years ....but this is beyond my wildest nightmares. "

Left-footer, don't reject Christ's Church because of Judas. Unfortunately, we have a Pope that is trying to combine the crisis of the corruption of the Pornocracy Popes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saeculum_obscurum) and the doctrinal crisis of the Arian Crisis. Regardless of what happen at the next conclave, the Church will still be the Church and it will come out of this crisis stronger than it would have been if Pope Francis had not been elected, just as the Protestant Crisis gave us the Council of Trent and the Arian Crisis gave us the Creed.

It all depends on what happens in the next conclave. If the cardinals stand firm, we will get a true restorationist that will fix not only the crisis, but will fix the source of the crisis provoked by Spirit of Vatican II. If the cardinals waffle and select a "compromise Pope", we'll get the crisis dealt with but damage will remain and there's always the chance thant Pope Francis II will return. If the cardinals fold and Pope Francis II is elected, the crisis will deepen and it may take a few hundred years before a the Church comes roaring back in The Council of Trent II. If both sides stand firm, we will have an official schism with half the Church eventually merging with the Anglicans or Lutherans and the other half being more firmly orthodox. But regardless, the Church will survive and thrive, even if you and I will not live to see the day.

And regardless, if you believe the Catholic Church is the Church created by Christ, you risk hell if you do not join even if you have to give up some worldly comforts. The Doctrines and Sacraments of the Church are true and no Pope or bishop can change that.