Danton Emeritus Speaks


John J. Marren, Jr.,  MundaborJoseph D'Hippolito       

Friday, January 17, 2020 - 23:00
Article link: 


  1. John J. Marren, Jr.

    The condemnation of both….agreed.

    Let’s pray for this in an agressive sort of way.

    Mundy, you’re doing good for someone who is limited to the Novus Ordo “mess.”

    You’re in my prayers.

    God bless!




  • Joseph D'Hippolito

    “What a tragic figure, this Benedict. Too weak to be orthodox, but still too Catholic to be loved by the world. Without the nerve to embrace the fight Providence has given to him, and choosing to retire rather than fight the homo mafia. Too German to rock the boat when the monstrosity of Francis’ pontificate became clear to him. Too insecure, and unwilling to be called a Celestino, therefore keeping habit and title (of sort) and engendering more confusion. Benedict, like Paul VI, specialised in occasional right acts in the middle of a vast subservience to the wrong ones, his desire to do good always hampered by the awareness of the problems this would create for him. Now, at the end of his life, he gives us another trinket. But it is fairly little, and mighty late.”

    That. Was. Absolutely. Brilliant.



Own comment: 

I can do little more than agree with Mundabor's assessment that Pope Benedict XVI cuts a tragic figure. Here is a man who knows what is right but has always been too weak to follow through. As he writes:

What a tragic figure, this Benedict. Too weak to be orthodox, but still too Catholic to be loved by the world. 

It is sad to behold.