Covid is a Moral Issue and Probably Your Fault

Saturday, December 26, 2020 - 20:30
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Stop using social media. It's designed to radicalize. (Of course, the problem is that it seems like no one talks about substantive matters away from social media.)

My wife stopped using social media a month ago. I drastically cut my exposure.

I hope one day there will be a move from social media to social face time again.

My blog:


Well it is somewhat a moral issue because I now want to punch out certain people because of it...


Gee... there hasn't been a whisper about the flu this year. Apparently covid provides immunity to the flu.
Given that the overall death rate hasn't gone up (statistically the number of people expected to die is normal) covid also, apparently, confers immunity to heart attacks, cancer, auto accidents , and a myriad of other fatal and potentially fatal experiences, apart from being shot in a major city, of course


Hurting other people huh! Huh about ,stop killing unborn babies and slowing euthanizing our elderly, by locking them in their nursing homes. 


Even if I do give the ruling elites the benefit of the doubt, it would mean that they simply don't know what they are talking about. I just wish someone would be straight with us and say, "Yeah, well, we think X, Y, or Z might help, but we don't know for sure." Don't tell me I am a hateful sociopath for wondering if masks are really so super fine.

And the greatest mystery in this entire episode: how did the real cuprits, the Chinese Communist Party, utterly escape condemnation? No one seems to care! I guess it's a lot easier to dismiss my neighbour as a deplorable, a dupe, or an ignoramus -- what a contast to me, a tolerant, enlightened, science-loving, well-informed thinker -- than to insist that the CCP be held to account.



Own comment: 

Indeed, Covid-19 is now a religious cult. It's primary religious garment is the mask, and its rites include socialist distancing and Mass cancellations. Among its primary tenets is that we should ignore everything we knew about the transmission of viruses and any other diseases before 2020.

If you question it you are out of the pool, which means eternal damnation outside the oligarchic economies of the world.