Catholic lessons from an Anglican royal wedding


asdf, Antigon, Ramjet, Sandra Miesel, Father Peter Stravinskas, Margarita, JoAnn Leichliter,


Wednesday, May 30, 2018 - 23:45
Article link: 



  1. Thank you for pointing out that mass-media coverage of this show was nearly ubiquitous. I am not a regular consumer of mass media and would not have otherwise known.

    Furthermore, the fact that the “mediocracy” decreed that all should participate tells me everything I need to know about the Royal Event.



  1. Was deeply moved that Mrs. Markle-Engelson pretended to marry a royal so near the tomb & corpse of Anglicanism’s royal founder King Henry VIII. Possibly ominous tho, that ceremony was held on anniversary of Anne Boleyn’s execution.



  1. Doesn’t the fact that Ms. Markle wasn’t baptized at the time of her first marriage but was baptized as an Anglican recently give her Pauline privilege for this union?

    • Father Peter Stravinskas

      May 21, 2018 at 9:53 am

      She could be a candidate for the Pauline Privilege, were she a Catholic. Anglicans don’t worry about such subtleties.




  1. “…it would seem that Prince William and his wife must have missed out on reading the Lambeth Declaration of 1930 since they have had three children in a little over six years.”

    Except that they had lived together for a few years before marriage.



  1. JoAnn Leichliter

    May 23, 2018 at 6:33 am

    It may be that the divorce was not terribly significant here, since the groom, royal though he may be, is very far indeed down the line of succession.



Own comment: 

There is a world of cautionary tales to be found among Anglicans for those who do not wish to repeat their dreadful mistakes.

There is, alas, also a world of examples to follow for those who wish to destroy the Church - though succeed they will not. Sadly, it seems the Bergoglian regime is intent on repeating the steps along Anglicanism's long march towards irrelevance.