Cardinal Marx Should Be Defrocked Yesterday.


Nicholas Mitchell, Aqua  , Jave Notin  

Saturday, February 10, 2018 - 22:45
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Nicholas Mitchell

I take consolation from the fact that he will spin out eternity for all eternity in exquisite paroxysms of agony. But yes he should be excommunicated vitandus (revival whereof is overdue) yesterday. Place Deutschland under interdict while you’re at it. For starters. As an example. In happier days they’d have been burnt at the stake.


When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai, he didn’t pause to wonder how he should respond to his dancing fellows, worshipping Satan around the Golden Calf; what would be appropriate, pastoral, helpful, charitable.

He instantly broke God’s Tablets Of stone in a fury. He burned the calf; ground it to powder; scattered it in the water; made the “heretics” drink their own poison. Then God swallowed up the unfaithful in an earthquake. I presume he initiated all this alone. Just Moses, and God. That is enough. And God’s remaining people were healed.

The golden calf, built by “Aaron” stands there in its ugliness. The people are dancing around it. What do you do, Priests? Worship it? Ponder it (what does it really mean)? Or knock it off its pedestal with a sledge hammer, perhaps all by yourself?

This is judgement day. “Choose you this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord”. Stop pondering the destruction of holy things, and God’s Faithful. Act!


Fat Marx is stupid and lunatic. Give up.

Own comment: 

I certainly do not take consolation from the fact that Cardinal Marx will spend eternity in hell if he does not repent from his long catalogue of crimes against the faith. We are not to be glad at anyone's supposed damnation.

He should, however, have been defrocked a long time ago.