Cardinal: “Contacts With Vatican Disastrous”, “There Is No Hope”


Eva ,  Ludovic Denim ,    

Thursday, December 5, 2019 - 23:00
Article link: 

l’altro ieri


Zen: They are so afraid of what happened in Poland. They said it openly. When the Pope made me a cardinal, Mr. Liu Bainian [Editor’s note: the vice-chairman of the CPCA] “If all the Bishops in China are like Cardinal Zen, then we are going to become like Poland.” They are afraid of that.
Ludovic Denim

l’altro ieri


Pfff Cardinal Zen is a revolutionary, see my other message above or search about him on tradition in action. In China, they must flatter him and clap in their hands as he gave them the opportunity to crush the Catholic Church soon when they will decide to invade this island that is their own.



l’altro ieri


Zen on the Communists, "They need to control everything. Since they know that they cannot destroy, they want to control. Obviously. All the churches. They want to destroy from within."




Ludovic Denim

l’altro ieri


But Cardinal Zen is a revolutionary for the peoples that don't know. He dances in a video clip inciting to the rebellion in Hong-Kong. Hongkongers expressed their disdain towards the Catholic church due to him. He justified in an interview that anyone must oppose China in HK through the demonstrations, though he can't ignore that they're violent in these. Since when a Cardinal encourage demonstrations and as such the violence to which the Catholic schools are used for protecting the revolutionaries instead of their faithful duty ? It's a treason.

And do you have seen him criticize Caritas that is in HK and elsewhere in the world whereas they belong to Taizé, the protestants that did the Novus Ordo Mass ??? Of course not, he even made the first Novus Ordo Mass in China while they used to follow the Tridentine rite. They were not even aware of this in China until he went to rock the church there.

Okay, he criticized the agreement between the Vatican and China but don't you know that Communists went back to Leninist tactics since the 60's and that Lenin said that they must control the opposition by having their own men ? It seems that he should come back to the fundamentals and preach the Rosary instead of the revolution. Up to then, no one can rely on him...




Own comment: 

It is good that Cardinal Zen is against Chinese-style communism. On virtually everything else though the man seems to be part of the problem and not the solution.

He will not even bring himself to admitting that  the China-Vatican deal is bergoglio's doing, strangely insisting that Bergoglio is being misled by his own appointed men instead of facing up to the bleeding obvious.