Boy Scouts Consider Bankruptcy, Troops of St. George Continue to Thrive

Thursday, January 3, 2019 - 23:45
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      The only issue I have withh the Troops of St. Geoerge is for boys who have dads who won't do this kind of stuff, like my ex. I want this for my son. Where does that leave my boy?


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    As a former Boy Scout, I was disgusted when, several years ago, the Boy Scouts of America caved to the shrieking homo lobby minority--I knew it would kill the program eventually. Since then, other similar organizations have sprung up attempting be what the Boy Scouts once were, and I wish these organizations well, but I am particularly happy to learn about the Troops of St. George. This looks like just the kind of stuff a boy should be doing and learning--and with Dad too! Plus, it is building a robust, manly, Catholic identity and unity that doesn't have to be toned down to protect the sensibilities of non-Catholics in their midst.
    Brenda VanWeezel's concern, though, is an important one; I, too, hope that some accommodation is available for boys who have no fathers, or who may have uninvolved fathers.

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      No. Requiring fathers is a safety feature. Bring in unrelated men and you'll get the BSA again.



Good stuff.

Just want to give a shout-out to the FNE (Federation of North American Explorers) as well.

They are the North American counterpart to the FSE (the ones you see at the Chartres pilgrimage) and are actually part of the FSE umbrella. There are a decent number of FNE chapters in Canada, as well as a few in the States. Google for details.



All well and good, but they must be ever vigilant! The wrong type of men will be attracted to these new organizations, that is inevitable.



The boy scouts were already morally bankrupt at the time they bent over to accommodate LGBTIQM activists.



Own comment: 

All homosexualising organisations deserve to die painfully and swiftly, all the more so when these organisations have a corrupting influence on children. I hope that the Boy Scouts will die off soon and that all others of a similar ilk will follow.

The same, I might add, is true of NOChurch, which has turned into the most powerful homosexualising lobby ever since Bergoglio became pope or whatever-he-is.