The Blood Of The Irish Unborn Babies Is On Francis’ And His Clergy’s Hands


 Ana Milan (@ana_milan999) Kathleen O'Regan Traditionalstew, saa5of5 Whitney g     

Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - 23:45
Article link: 



“To try the faith and trust of these just ones, there will be times when all will seem lost and paralyzed. It will then be the happy beginning of the complete restoration….”
Our Lady of Good Success.



What’s so shocking about it is the realization Ireland has rejected God. It’s to read the comments of the foolish victors, who are now clamoring to get the church out of the schools. They want God gone, and they clearly hate the Catholic Church with a venom.
We feel like we are watching Christendom sink into the waters, as Islam rises. The poor, gullible fools are too dumb to understand how they are sealing their own fate. They have now made sure there will be fewer of them to around when Islam takes over Ireland and most of Europe. Homosexual church will cheer it. Homosexual Great Britain will cheer it. Homosexual Ireland will cheer it.




This result perfectly summarizes the so-called “Franciseffect”. Lawless, lack of repentance, lack of sacrifice, lack of belief in the Divine, ultimately leads to lifelessness, both in Spirit and body.


“The defence of human life must be a constant preoccupation, not an occasional remark.” Amen. This is the tragedy, so simplified.



A few years ago I was in Ireland driving around for a few weeks and so I listened to the radio a lot. There were multiple stories of pedophile priests and the Magdalene sisters laundries were big in the news because the last one had died. All these stories we’re so unbelievably bad that I realized that Ireland was utterly lost to the Catholic Church forever. I’m not surprised that they voted for this. They just voted against the church


I’m one percent Irish. I’m ashamed today of that one percent.



I’m 50% Irish—my family coming to the States in the last century. I believe they would be heartbroken over the loss of Faith. I am so disappointed, that I wish there were a medicine to change my DNA. The situation is so embarrassing and dispiriting. I watch my Irish cousins cheer for Pope Francis and support democrat candidates–so I guess I understand why everything went so badly.Thank you for your post.










Own comment: 

Bergoglio never stops mouthing off about things big and small so long as they are important to him.

We can therefore safely conclude that his silence in the face of the Irish referendum removing protection for the unborn is proof of his approval of such actions.