The Birth of Ruins

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - 23:45
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Thank you for this eloquent exposition of this sad and burdensome truth. Even here in the prairies of central North America, I daily see the same signs you saw at the heart of the Church: the delinquency, dissolution, and ongoing destruction wrought by the abandonment of the faith. Our time is to build the "monasteries" of Catholic tradition that will survive the imminent "fall".


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    "Here barbarians lived in a fallen empire, thinking themselves still Romans." Being compelled by circumstances utterly beyond my control, to attend a Novus Ordo parish, that sentence alone encapsulates the heavy-heartedness with which I attend our Sunday Mass. (Weekday Masses less so, since they are attended, at least to some extent, by people who retain some understanding of the theology of the Mass). What was once the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; the continuing manifestation of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary until the consummation of the world, is now a social gathering wherein we "celebrate community"; we invade the "sanctuary" and push ourselves to the forefront to perform functions that should be the preserve of the ordained priesthood, (because of which abuses, the ordained priesthood is greatly diminished and impoverished); we enthusiastically applaud the lay "contributors" such as the providers of the "music ministry" and other performers without whom the Mass would fall flat on its worn out face. I once considered what we are served up today to be a cheap imitation. I was wrong; it's much worse that that.

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      And yet you participated in a Bogus Disordo. You thus contributed to today’s reigning diabolical disorientation. You have no cause to trumpet any hint of superiority. Under no circumstances should one ever participate in the abomination of any Bogus Disordo, whether said Bogus Disordo be committed in Latin or not. Resolve never to do so again.




I went on pilgrimage to Rome a few years ago and was also struck by the lack of reverence in the holy sites or even awareness of their significance by those visiting even back then.






Own comment: 

Everywhere we look - especially those of us who are lucky enough to live in or visit formerly  deeply Catholic countries - we are reminded of the collapse of the Catholic faith. From empty churches, to abandoned churches, to lack of proper attire at Mass, to clown Masses, to irreverence at holy sites, everything screams that the faith which built Europe and which built these magnificent buildings has left the building, as it were.

We know that the LORD shall prevail, and it is more than likely that The Church will rise again. What ought to give us holy dread, is wondering just how painful the chastisements will be before the tide turns.