Bergoglio's letter is a disgrace, a shallow start in a saga of lies, filth and cover up.


Johnno, Anonymous, Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas , Brian , Ana Milan, Dan , Jim Norwood          

Thursday, September 6, 2018 - 23:45
Article link: 


Johnno said...

Perhaps Who-Am-I-To-Bergolio should've considered checking if the Gay Lobby was carrying around membership cards after all!

I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually the case at this point!

He probably hands them out personally so that Ricca-dear can have easy access to his hotel floor room. Just a quick swipe of the magnetic strip.

We're coming for you Jorge! Soon you and your choir-boys members club will get the chance to wash the feet of prisoners every day!

Anonymous said...

What a load of bovine manure!!!
This sounds like a prototype letter that most diocese use whenever there ant clerical crisis exposed, instead of calling it what it is, the perverts "sugar coat" it to make it out like the laity must do penance for their abominable behaviour. sounds exactly like the shite we heard over and over here in the diocese of Antigonish by our bishops , especially our present bishop Dunn. I am sick to death of evil clergy and religious ( that includes brothers and sisters too, living "high on the hog" to boot) displacing their would be punishment for bad behaviour on the laity, instead of them being held "accountable." They form committees and hold dialogue sessions with the laity to see how we" feel" and hold reconciliation services for the laity to go to....WHAT ABOUT THEM ??? These evil bastards all should be defrocked and thrown into a prison in Siberia,... that is being generous. In days of old the death penalty was the most charitable thing to offer especially if and after they truly repented.
Time to start cleaning from the top down I'd say instead of from the bottom up1 Im waiting to see the "gay pride" flag atop St Peters Dome


Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Unless Bergoglio speaks of deliberate planting in the Church - to destroy her from within - of men with no faith and no morals, as clearly documented with the testimony of Bella Dodd, I will consider him guilty of continuing this masonic communist project. Unless he preaches clearly against the Cabala, and separates himself from the likes of rabbi Skorka, I will consider him a Judas. Unless he stops speaking against Europe's Christian roots and demaning islamization of the West, he will be an ethnocidal maniac and a declared enemy of Jesus Christ.

This means that I will always consider him an anti-Christ and a Judas.

Brian said...

I wonder who was the actual writer of this piece. It is a safe statement. We have read many of them before. The consequences of decades of ordaining homosexuals will not be admitted. Bishop Morlino seems to be an exception. Over this weekend, I listened, to two different conservative secular podcasts where each host went out of his way to say that there is no connection between the abuse and homosexuality. I was stunned at how dismissive they were. One of these hosts is, I believe, an observant Catholic. The other styles himself as a retired Catholic who, it seems to me, after listening to him, for quite some time, has an ax to grind. Both are into big time denial in a manner that you expect from the gay pandering MSM. None so blind as they who will not see. More Pennsylvanias and McCarricks on the way? Bring em on. Out this filth.

Ana Milan said...

PF has suffered nothing. "We feel shame when we realize that our style of life has denied, & continues to deny, the words we recite". When was the last time he felt shame? When he called the Chilean victims slanderers? Or maybe when he called Catholics disgusting names for simply trying to hold on to the True Faith, which he has undoubtedly lost? Does he even remember in speaking of Our Lady at the foot of the Cross 'lies! I have been cheated!'. What about his 'respect' for Martin Luther, an arch enemy of the OHC&A Church? What about all his buddies, both clerics & lay, who queue up to demand the dismantling of the Ten Commandments in favour of loose living in order to quell their own consciences? He has plainly shown that he is more interested in saving Mother Earth than in saving one human soul - after all, there is no Catholic God, infidels can get to Heaven by good deeds & Hell doesn't exist. This coming from the mouth of a supposedly validly elected pope (although it turns out he was only partly elected) is tantamount to sticking his finger in our collective eye. His Masonic/Marxist effeminate puppets continue to pump up his super ego enabling him to run roughshod over everything we have received from the First Apostles causing disunity & utter confusion amongst the faithful who haven't received proper catechesis. Of course, that is part of the Modernist plan, as was their total destruction of the Liturgy of Ages & many of the Sacraments of the CC. The best PF can do now is to insist on consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary & releasing the full text of the Third Secret of Fatima. He can then take off to spend the rest of his life in the poverty, prayer & fasting he recommends to the rest of us. It might just save his own soul.

Dan said...

After the other garbage emanating from Francis, I was actually surprised to see that it was at least fairly well written and clear. So I suspect he gave the job of writing this to someone other than his favorite.

Jim Norwood said...

Why are Canadian Bishops not taking action against homosexual priests among their ranks. What are they waiting for, young lives to be ruined and souls lost?

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the Second Vatican Council is to turn away from the Catholic Faith and Tradition. That's why the new mass, new sacraments. The Catholic Faith is supernatural. Dislodge it and what you have is like the rest of false religions. With the emphasis entrenched in Man, instead of God, what sanctifying grace are we talking about? So of course no mortification and penance to curb our corrupt nature, wounded by the stain of original sin and actual sins committed. Chuck God out of our lives, what remains is chaos. That's why you have this nonsense of "style of life". The enemies of the Church are still within and liaising with those without to destroy her. They will never admit that the Second Vatican Council had been hijacked and is killing the Immaculate Bride of Christ with its bastard doctrines and 'spirituality'. Joseph Ratzinger, aka PE Benedict,was a peritus and firm believer of the Council, though now very old and weak. PF is a product and firm believer of its maxims too. Will the entire Church hierarchy have the humility to admit that they have erred in liberalising the Church to the world and revert to her rock-solid doctrines, beliefs and practices? This diabolical disorientation in the Church is self-caused, Roman Pontiffs ignoring the mandate of heaven at Fatima as the remedy to salvage her from chaos. Eg: Look at cdl R Burke, who as bishop had allowed a castrated man to profess vows as a NUN! Matter was under wraps until a lady complained to the Vatican; within the traditional community, how many priests took the anti-Modernist oath of St. Pius X and those who have taken it, how many are serious about it and are not embarrassed to speak about the anti-Modernist stance of the holy pope?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, an Eastern Catholic priest, fr. Hutsko, was attacked and injured in Indiana after serving the Divine Liturgy. The attacker screamed "That's for the kids!"

So it's pretty much open season now. Unless the bishops take action against abusers and enablers - and it must be done decisively, swiftly and ruthlessly - it will begin to be very unpleasant to be a Catholic priest in America, even if you are completely unrelated to the scandal. The lavender mafia must be crushed NOW.

Btw, some people have begun to invoke racketeering law against USCCB. Since many acts of embezzlement have been committed in cover-up attempts, there is indeed a basis for its use.
And sincerely, I hope AG Sessions agrees: all diocesan church funds would be frozen, while the SSPX would remain untouched, and maybe begin to be seen as what it is by many Catholics: the last oasis in a desert of heresies and immorality.
For the modernists in the Vatican, that will mean a HUGE loss of money as well as a monumental PR disaster. It could very well bring a complete overturn of the Bergoglian pontificate in the next conclave.

Anonymous said...

God will take care of Bergoglio as he once did pharaoh.