In Austria, Official Websites under Cdl. Schönborn Undermining Humanae Vitae

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 - 22:00
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      Honest question: Why don't people who believe this join mainline protestant churches?

      Let us say a man works at a hamburger shop but doesn't like the fact that the shop uses non-organic ground beef, offers Pepsi products and does not serve sweet potato fries. If he were looking for a job at a different hamburger shop, he would eliminate every restaurant that did not serve burgers. Once he narrowed that list, he could then consider the relevant factors. If right across the street this man found a shop that met all his criteria, would he not apply for work there?

      Would the sensible thing be to instead stay with his current employer, agitating internally for change and complaining to customers? Would this man bring in his own sweet potato fries or perhaps purchase canned Coke products that he would then attempt to substitute for Pepsi products? Better yet, let's say the place that the shop across the street--which meets his standards--were to close/lose dramatic amounts of customers because nobody wanted what they were selling: would this man really think it a good idea to pursue his strategy of subverting his own employer!? Even if this man didn't believe in his current employer, thought the whole company was a fraud and was only out for himself, would it not behoove him to just tow the line and keep his job!?

      The absurdity of the current situation in the Germanic world, which of course could/will spread, is astounding.

      Yesterday I heard Dennis Prager repeat an old axiom that I have always liked: When in doubt, Germany is always wrong.

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      Rosemary Radford Ruether was asked why, since she and her fellow pro-abortion feminist theologian friends disagreed with the Church's teaching, don't they leave the church? Her reply was, "Because the Church has the Xerox machines."

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      And an entirely modernist superstructure designed to promote garbage like hers! RRR was no doubt the darling of the chancery office staff who let her use its resources free of charge.

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    I think they don't leave because they really don't believe that truth exists or they have no love of the truth. They base their decisions on feelings and what is cool. The truth doesn't matter. Why leave to another Church when what is cool or what they feel may change a few days after they enter that Church? I think the really goal is an attack on objective truth or to destroy any love of the truth. The end game is to supplant Jesus Christ with the Zeitgeist. To create a Catholic Church the twists and turns to the whims of public opinion or the feelings of the powerful.



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    Remember when Schönborn was Captain Orthodoxy during the days of JP2 and the Catechism?

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    About 15 years ago, I went to hear Schönborn speak (JP2 the not-so-great was still with us). I went with an open mind, but left convinced he's not orthodox, a phony and a politician. The years since have only served to confirm me in that opinion.

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    Remember in the days of Mother Angelica,
    he appeared on EWTN ?


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    It's not Catholicism. This is a different Church which is being constructed. It's an anti-Church which is led by an anti-pope.

    And pretty soon, we'll have to abandon it, if we don't already.

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      That's my thought as well, but how will you know when the Church is no longer Catholic? I know it's bad now but at what is it not the true Church?

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    Pope Francis is not an anti-Pope. Don't shill for the sedevacantists.

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    now, now. The sedes are just faithful Catholics waiting for a true pope to be elected. Pope Frances was an open heretic before his election meaning he is not a validly elected pope. He also doesn’t look sound or behave like a catholic and he presides over a huge swath of destruction over which he openly supports or is deafeningly silent. Looks like a duck to me. Is there a formal definition of Anti pope?

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      Um, no, Sedevacantists are either well-meaning people without much intellectual oomph or gullible people without much capacity for critical thinking or lunatics - and mostly the latter.

      Look at other blogs or forums with unrestricted comments if you don't believe me.

      Most of them quickly become absolutely crazy, denying the validity of all priests' ordinations, all Masses, and all Sacraments. From there it's not far to "Pope Michael".

      Please don't go down that path.

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      we need to stick together for the day when we do get a good pope and we can have a council to destroy all the heresies. V2 removed important and powerful prayers from just about everything, baptism, exorcism, consecration of the host, consecration of bishops, ordination of priests. sedes were kicked out of lefebvres group for refusing to believe in V2 heresies. But later on, Lefebvre changed his mind and agreed with them. I disagree with your assessment. Some of them are very well read and knowledgeable.

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      Many well-read and knowledgable people are outside the Church, or even opposed to it. Sedevacantism is a direct path to separation from the Church and from reason. It's basically #notmypresident in a cassock. Rejecting reality and substituting your own, regardless of how hard you try to justify it or how much want it to be true, is madness. Pope Francis is the Pope.

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    When they take away the TLM again, that is the last goodbye.

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      For me, it will be when they embrace the practice of homosexuality and bless and\or "marry" homosexuals. This is already being done surreptitiously in some areas. I wonder if Francis will be wily enough to not condone it officially, but let each diocese decide for themselves - you know, the whole decentralization thing.


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    I hope I am not misunderstood in what I am about to write.
    If Humanae Vitae is out of date and needing to be scrapped at 50, how much more must one call into question, say, Rerum Novarum? Come to think of it, Amoris Laetitia is -- what -- 3 years old. Surely it's already out of date.
    I guess where I find myself is this: if something can be shelved merely on account of the fact that some version of modern society doesn't like it, is the existence of truth itself up for debate?












Own comment: 

The commenter asks:

Honest question: Why don't people who believe this join mainline protestant churches?


I have often wondered that myself and although I cannot read minds, I would gather that it boils down to the following:

  • There is more prestige in being a Catholic than a protestant.
  • They can rely on their lofty titles and the contortion of neo-Catholics to do their intellectual work for them if they remain 'Catholic' whereas they would have to actually try and logically explain and defend the sort of nonsense they spout if they were protestant.
  • Even modernists know which the true Church is and they are loathe to leave it as they can do more damage from the inside.

The last reason obviously pre-supposes that they are purporsely doing evil. That conclusion is undeniable, with the only question still remaining being whether they sold their souls to the devil beforehand or whether the devil tricked them into doing his evil deeds.