Analysis of Catholic Media Traffic — Voris’ Not-So-Past


Anonymous, AquaConstantine        

Friday, May 1, 2020 - 14:30
Article link: 


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of sick puppies at CMTV

Gordon Taylor


April 28, 2020 at 2:10 PM 


Aqua said...

Anonymous 7:43

What is the difference between FSSP and SSPX. FSSP came *from* SSPX. Many, many similarities. A few crucial differences. What makes the one true and the other false, in your opinion?

Really interested to hear your answer to that one.


April 29, 2020 at 8:17 AM 


Aqua said...

I would still be interested to know his answer to that question. I really doubt he serves at an FSSP Mass, but still, he raised the point.

I have been FSSP for many years. I know it well. I have come to know the SSPX within the past year. My understanding is that those differences between FSSP - SSPX are at the nut of what ails the Catholic Church militant. The dilemma that faced Arbp LeFebvre is the dilemma of us all.

He answered the question, bravely, honestly, with his soul on the line. No one should think any of us living can avoid the same dilemma and ultimate eternal choice. Something happened in 1965 and beyond. We can’t pretend it didn’t. We can’t ignore it as if it wasn’t at the core of our Faith - that, too, is a choice.

We must be brave, and honest, like Arbp. LeFebvre and answer the question of the Second Vatican Council and all its subsequent Constitutions and with that answer it must guide our firm belief to its logical conclusion - whichever answer you give.

And that is why I have come to the conclusion that FSSP, as good as they are, has a fatal flaw at its foundation. They answered that question incorrectly. It is why they exist. And when “Pope” Francis abrogates Summorum Pontificum and then demands all Bishops and Priests in union with him celebrate the Novus Ordo of the Amazonian Clown Mass Versus Populum ... FSSP, who fully accepts II Vatican Council in ALL of its particulars and fully accepts the New Order of Mass in all of its particulars will be forced to comply. Logical Conclusion.


April 29, 2020 at 9:25 AM 


Constantine said...

The major difference between SSPX and fssp is that SSPX teaches as infallible that Religious Liberty is for the Catholic Church only. The fssp teaches the Social Reign of Christ in the State affairs and Constitutions are a matter of personal interpretation.


April 29, 2020 at 12:15 PM 



Own comment: 

One may indeed look for deeper reasons for ChurchMilitant's attack on the SSPX, but I am not sure we need to delve too deeply.

For unknown reasons, Michael Voris has great enmity with the SSPX, and it is unclear why although some claim it has to do with who funds him.

While wanting to drive up traffic may indeed be a motivation, I doubt it is the main one.