“The Church of priests is coming to an end.” What’s really going on.


mysticalrose, Thomas S, Benedict Joseph,   Madzi , Lurker 59, L. ,Fern  , Hidden One , Kathleen10, Laurelmarycecilia, Susan M ,  robtbrown                         

Friday, September 13, 2019 - 20:30
Article link: 
mysticalrose says:


Honest to God, is there ever any good news in this Church???

But I guess I shouldn’t be looking for good news in the middle of a war. Sigh.


Thomas S says:


Married deacons are “saying Mass”? So married deacons are simulating Mass. And the Pope gives his consent to this? If that’s the case, what conclusion can we draw except that the Pope doesn’t believe in the Sacrament of Holy Orders?


Benedict Joseph says:


Without the Holy Priesthood there is no Church. No priests, no sacraments, no Church. The question might be raised which came first: The eradication of the priesthood or the integrity Roman Catholic theological reflection? Surely the later, so it is in the restoration of authentic theological engagement and the abandonment of personal notions and erroneous spiritualities masquerading as Catholic where the solution is to be found. Apparently there is no impulse for the restoration of Catholic theological reflection but a real hunger for erroneous consolations. This is at the core of the current pontificate.
What are we to make of this reality when we finally allow ourselves to abandon denial and self-deception, and when will that moment arrive? At the end of October at the conclusion of the theatrics provided by the Synod? When the final paperwork is produced at some suitable moment in the new year? When does this all get called out? By whom will it be addressed?
We are observing the systematic dismantling , the deconstruction, of the Church of Jesus Christ by individuals who do not believe in the perennial Magisterium of the Church. There is no Christian reasoning to this. This is the action of secular materialism within the Church and the infection developed as the result of an inordinate intimacy between the Church and the secular academy. We abandoned our position and acquiesced to secularism a long time ago. If the course correction does not come soon how will it ever be achieved, how many souls will be lost, and what will be the consequences for human history?
This ain’t a disagreement in the sacristy anymore. It is a cosmic engagement with the forces of good and evil, and evil had better be recognized and named.



  • This, if true, is canonically impossible. It is nothing less than the sacrament of Holy Communion being stolen from the people of God. What next, deacons hearing confessions? And then, FEMALE deaconesses doing the same? Then, logically, the next step is for priestitutes in Catholicism.

    How long, O Lord? How LONG?


Lurker 59 says:


Ah yes, I see we continue on our way towards the compiling and production of the Orange Catholic Bible.

Need it be said that the Pope cannot be head of a sacradotal Church and a non-sacradotal ecclesial community at the same time?

I know that Pope Francis thinks that time is great than space, but does he understand that plasticity has an upper limit and that if you keep going things snap and you end up on either one side or the other?

L. says:


“Waking up to the beautiful sounds of the sisters and brothers of Bose Monastery” I always am skeptical of the trustworthiness of anyone connected with the church who uses this phrase; unfortunately, my pastor uses it while saying Mass.

Fern says:


So, Deacons are offering Mass! That creates a real problem. Either there isn’t a Mass or the men have been “ordained” secretly while maintaining the “name” deacon which is also a problem. Either way, how very sad for the people in the pews!! Will it ever end? I sure hope that the 54 day Novena which thousands are participating in will help. Tomorrow we start on the Thanksgiving portion.



I have to hope that somewhere in this incident was a confusion of terms.


Kathleen10 says:


It’s far worse than we even imagine, most likely. I do not believe this is sheer negativity or pessimism at all, I believe it is grounded in reality and the evidence of our own eyes for the last 6 years. Their goal is so bad and so dark, I doubt most pure hearts here can even imagine it. I certainly don’t know their exact goal, but surely they are going all in for destruction. To our eyes, it may seem they are successful for a while. Whatever these people are wanting, it cannot be called Catholicism. Not content with creating a church in their own image, they are intent on bringing down the one we know and love, changing it forever. Not only that, but Christendom.


Laurelmarycecilia says:


so what’s to keep Bergolio from simply VALIDLY conferring priestly ordination on all deacons? It seems horrific to me; but what do I know….. come to think of it, ordaining every male? Why didn’t the Brazilian bishops simply ordain these deacons. What’s the underlying agenda/issue here?

Susan M says:


Our deacon, who recently transferred to our parish, gave his first homily with his teddy bear, Gus. Gus is special in his life, for some reason that escaped me since I was busy tearing up my weekly offering. He even kissed Gus on the top of his head and left him sitting on the edge of the pulpit, I thought to perhaps give that thing Holy Communion. He did remove Gus just before the Offering though, presumably because the bear must not have had anything to toss in the basket.

Anyway, when I heard that deacons are saying Mass in the Amazon, immediately I thought of Gus. I’m sure Gus is perfectly capable of hearing Confessions, propped up on the deacons lap, or if the deacon is busy writing his homily for the next Mass, Gus could just sit in the chair in the Confessional by himself.

robtbrown says:


No, surprise, this.

Cardinal Ratzinger spent a lot of time opposing the priestless base communities of liberation theology.



Own comment: 

Much can be said about the madness surrounging the Amazon synod and Bergogliochurch. However, the comment of mysticalrose shall suffice:

Honest to God, is there ever any good news in this Church???


But I guess I shouldn’t be looking for good news in the middle of a war. Sigh.

There will not be any good news until the Novus Ordo Mass is abolished and condemned, and Vatican II dismissed as the robber council it was.